Why I’m Passionate About Stories

Storytelling is a powerful tool.

The reason we share stories is the reason why I am passionate about film making.

Through stories we offer relationships; it’s a chance to say:

“Your life matters.”

“Here’s how to make a difference.”

“It’s okay to feel this way.”

There are so many messages that our modern world receives every hour of every day. To me, media is a superpower that has great potential to do good.

I desire to take every opportunity to spread positive messages, through narratives, documentaries, photo essays, writing, and more to uncover the stories that should be told.

Growing up, I was a bookworm. I spent hours in my room reading and entering into worlds that existed in my imagination. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery was a series that really impacted me. I believe her writing exercised my imagination. It wasn’t just the story that came alive; it was the visuals that she crafted through words. Those words created an image in my mind of lovely sunsets and lakes of shining waters.

Then I discovered that those same kinds of images could be captured without words, in ways that are equally moving and transforming. I want to add meaning to beauty through stories. Stories are worthwhile investments because in reality, stories are people. And people are the most important thing on this planet.

I’d like to hear from you about why storytelling is important in your life. Feel free to leave a comment!
Also, check out my Youtube Page and have a look around! https://www.youtube.com/user/demublican